“We tried for 2 years to get pregnant. I have PCOS and wasn’t ovulating. I tried many fertility procedures including clomid and IVF without success. Complications from IVF left my uterus scarred, and doctors recommended I consider surrogacy. At 32 years old and healthy, I refused to give up the dream of having and carrying my own children. After researching alternative methods, we began treatment with Dr. Boxer. She is truly amazing and provided us with outstanding patient care. I say us, because she treated my husband, too! After 4 months of Acupuncture, Herbs, supplements, and Nutritional Counseling with Dr. Boxer, I was much healthier on every level, and decided to try clomid again. Not only did I become pregnant, but with identical twin girls. Dr. Boxer truly balanced my mind, body, and spirit!! I continued Acupuncture treatment during my first trimester and felt fantastic as a result. I delivered healthy twin girls 3/8/07! I thank you with all my heart for your support and guidance through my journey. You are truly gifted!!
P.S. The girls got a fantastic review at their 3 month physical today. They are in the 97th % for height and weight. The doctor said they are advanced, especially for being born one month early. he attributes their good health and size to my nutrition and care during pregnancy ~ again, thank you for keeping me so healthy during that time!”
E.C., Happy Mom